Hello! Greetings from Southeast Missouri! I’m Carolyn. I am a wife, a mother, and the “organizer” of our crazy country life! My husband, Ed, and I both work full time in addition to raising our 10-year old son (Lando), beef cattle and chickens on our little farm.
My husband works 12 hour shifts. I work full time at a veterinary clinic. My son currently switches between the occasional sport and is active in 4-H – although I think he’d prefer to play video games to either of those! I co-founded a local charity and I’m on the planning committee for another. I’m big on being able to give back and help others whenever I can. I can’t seem to stop writing things on the calendar no matter who it’s for. I’m always finding new things I want to learn about and explore: cast iron cooking, herb gardening, fruit trees, essential oils (Young Living specifically), processing our own foods, and just trying to get back to the basics of living life. I’m a planner nerd so that helps keep it all organized, at least to an extent.
In 2017 we moved out of town to 8 acres which we quickly started making plans for. Since we got married, we’d always lived in town, but hoped to one day get out where things were a little quieter. Our experiences with country living have been minimal, but we love to grill beef so it only made sense to get a cow and raise some calves! Haha! Sometimes it’s easier to just jump right in, right? We are raising our own beef, collecting our own eggs, and hopefully we’ll have a successful vegetable garden each year!
Chicken pants
Simple explanation- my favorite pair of comfy leggings have chickens on them. They are “my chicken pants” and I LOVE them!
Our lives get so busy sometimes that we forget to sit back and relax and actually enjoy it. I love being able to enjoy coffee on my front porch and watch the wild geese on the pond. I love being able to pick my own tomatoes, wipe one off with my shirt, and enjoy it right there in the garden. I love knowing where the meat in my freezer came from. I love that my friend and I have matching cast iron cooking magazines so we can learn together how to cook like our grandmas did. I love when my son voluntarily tells me he’s glad we moved here because he gets to play outside more. I love that the idea of getting back to basics has allowed us to slow down, even if just for a moment sometimes, and really think about and enjoy what matters.